7 traits of a Good Boss — Part 1

2 min readFeb 13, 2021

Finding a good boss is essential to your career and it makes your life easier. Here are seven traits that a good boss should possess.

(1) Trust

A good boss should trust your ability when they assign you a task. I am not saying that they should trust you 100% at any time. Of course, if they find any mistakes in your work, they have the right to be skeptical and challenge you. However, until that, they should trust you to be able to complete the task.

(2) Help you grow, but not necessarily to be your mentor

Not everyone has time to offer advice, therefore, your boss is not necessary to be your mentor. But a good boss can help you grow from different perspectives. They can be your role model in your career. You could learn how they deal with a crisis, resolve a conflict or calm an angry customer. They can show you how they do their job well.

(3) Be accountable

This trait is crucial if your boss is middle management. As a manager, when his team makes a mistake, he should be accountable for it. He oversees the operations of the team and is the leader and that’s why where something is happening in the team, he should be the first one to step out. If he walks away and tries to push someone else from your team to take accountability, then you may consider switching your job.

(4) Be positive and encouraging

Sometimes, work is hard. If your boss is full of negative energy all day and does not recognize your work at all. It just makes your life harder. Also, be encouraging can help you overcome difficulties at work. A good boss should not always complain about others in front of you. This creates a gloomy and harmful work environment

In the next article, we will talk about the remaining three traits. Stay tuned.

